Harvey Girls Forever! Wiki

The Lice Storm is the first segment of the 5th episode in season 2 of Harvey Street Kids. The episode title is a reference to the 1997 film, The Ice Storm.


Audrey and Melvin wants to ban the Harvey Avenue kids, after one of them spread lice to the first.


S02E08 Audrey y Todd con piojos

Dot practices her bagpipes while Audrey wants to have fun since she had three cups of sweets. The first one, however, does not seem interested since she wants to perfect some hobbies left out and uses the bagpipes to move her around. Audrey searches for Lotta, but she is distracted combing her rabbits. She is also not interested in hanging out with others as the Bloogey Boys compete in the one who knocks down the dominoes by farting, and Lucretia is playing with her doll pretending a therapy session. Todd appears and offers her to play good guys against bad guys, Audrey agrees to play as a villain. While Super Todd makes his hero's monologue, calls for a truce while scratching his head, Audrey remains in character as she takes off his helmet and puts it on. However, she begins to have urticaria and realizes that Todd spread his lice to her while scratching like a dog and when she was about to face him, Todd walks away.

Audrey proceeds to use various methods to remove the lice, including using forks, a portable vacuum cleaner and applying hot sauce, but nothing works, so she resorts to shaving her hair completely. Then she proceeds to go to the playground in order to find recruits to hunt down Todd. Dot interrupts saying that they should use medicinal shampoo, despite the fact that it leaves the ends twisted since it happened to her in kindergarten when the teacher had everyone make them wear a cap.

Audrey proceeds to recruit the Bloogey boys, so she can catch Todd and use the medicine, but he runs away. Melvin comments that since Todd had lice, everyone on Harvey Avenue can have it too, and proposes to ban them from the place, so they reduce everyone to being confined inside giant plastic bubbles. Audrey also tells him that he has had good ideas lately and goes with him. Lotta does not agree and withdraws, incidentally, he meets Penny, who asks her not to leave her sand sculptures behind. Lotta takes her with her sandbox to a hole in the climbing tree behind the Harvey Girls' HQ. Audrey for her part distrusts everything around her as Joel, a parrot and Bobby, who can be a Harvey Avenue supporter.

S02E08 Melvin negociando

"But there is shampoo"

Lotta meanwhile, continues to help the avenue kids by bringing them back to the playground through a hole, she also returns for Barry Mudderson who got stuck in the mud. Audrey and the bloogey boys feel them laugh and go after them, but Penny warns them screaming, and they run away.

Audrey feels that they are close, and they go to the HQ where they meet Lotta, who opposes and manifests herself as the leader of this rebellion. Dot also ends up joining her, and they end up proving that none of them had lice sticking their heads together, even Todd who had finally used the medicated shampoo in the meantime. Audrey admits that she was wrong to judge and realizes that Melvin was the one who started the lice epidemic, incidentally, he reveals that he wanted her to blame those on the avenue to avoid being blamed on. The episode concludes with Melvin asking them to use the medicinal shampoo, but Audrey angered by the matter, pounces on Melvin and shaves his head while he performs a heartbreaking scream. While that happens, an end card made with hair is shown saying "The end" with a drawing of Audrey wickedly smiling while hugging an angry and shaved Melvin.


S02E08 Tarjeta de cierre

End card related to this episode


"The Lice Storm" was released to Netflix on May 10, 2019.
